Minggu, 08 Januari 2012

Sleeping Beauty

In the days of yore, there lived a King and Queen who had no children. This problem makes the King and Queen is so sad. They are very missed and longed for a child who can accompany their daily lives.

But in one day, when the Queen walked on the banks of the river, a little fish lifted its head out of the water and said, "What do you wish would be fulfilled, and you will soon have a daughter."

What the little fish predicted soon become a reality. The Queen finally gave birth to a little girl who was so beautiful, so the King could not contain his excitement and held a banquet on a large scale.

He then invited all his relatives, friends, and the entire population in the kingdom. All the fairies in his kingdom were also invited, so they can care for and give blessings to the young daughter of the new born.

In his kingdom, there were thirteen fairies and the King had only twelve gold plates, so the king decided to invite the fairy twelve men only and does not invite the thirteenth fairy.

 All guests and fairies have been present. And after supper, they give the best gifts for the little princess, a fairy gives people the good, the other fairies give beauty, others again provide wealth, and so did the other fairies, so the little girl almost get all the the best things in the world.

When the fairy who gave his blessing finished eleventh, thirteenth fairy who did not receive an invitation and became very angry that, come and take revenge. He said, "Daughter of the King in the age of fifteen, to be pricked by a sewing needle and die."

Then the twelfth fairy who has not given his blessing to his daughter, came forward and said, that the curse is said by the thirteenth fairy was going to happen, but he can soften the curse, the Princess will not die, but only fell asleep for a hundred years.

The king hoped that he could save his beloved princess from the threat of condemnation, and ordered all the sewing needle in his palace should be taken out and destroyed.

Meanwhile, all the blessings given by the fairies had materialized, the Princess became very beautiful, gracious, kind-hearted, and wise, until all the people loved him very much.

Just at the age of fifteen, King and Queen left the palace of chance, and the Princess was left alone in the palace. The Princess roam alone in the palace and see the rooms that existed at the palace.

Until finally he went into one old tower, which is located one narrow staircase leading up to the end with a small door. On the door hangs a golden key, and when he opened the door, he saw an elderly woman was sewing with a sewing needle and look very busy.

"O good mother," said the Princess, "What are you doing here?"

"Tailoring and embroidery," said the old woman, then nodded his head.

"How beautiful the results sulamanmu!" said the Princess, and took a sewing needle and started embroidering. However, he accidentally pricked by a needle and what was predicted when she was little, there, the Princess fell to the ground as if dead.

As predicted, that although the Princess will be pricked by a sewing needle, the Princess will not die, but would only sleep. King and Queen who had just returned to the palace, and all the ministers also fell asleep, horses in the stable, the dog in the yard, pigeons on the roof and flies that were on the wall, all of them fell asleep.

Even menyalapun fire to a standstill, the meat is baked into stiff, a cook, who was by then pull the hair of a child who do things that are less good, also fell asleep, all fast asleep and silent.

Quickly thorny wild plants growing around the palace and the palace fence, and every year grew thicker and thicker, until all places are surrounded by plants and become invisible again.

Even the roofs and chimneys also can not be seen, because it has been covered by these plants. However, news of the beautiful princess who slept spread throughout the mainland, so many children of King and Prince tried to come and try to get into the palace.

However, they can never succeed, because the thorns and plants that lie establish and ensnare them as if there is the hand that holds them, and eventually they can not progress any further.

After years passed, the people who had parents tell a story about a princess who is beautiful, what a thick thorn hedge the princess's palace, and how beautiful castle hidden in the thorn.

They also tell what he heard from his grandfather first, that has many princes who tried to penetrate the thicket, but it never works.

Then a prince who heard the story said, "All these stories will not be scary for me. I'll go and see the Sleeping Beauty." Although parents have prevented the prince told me to go, the prince was still forced to go.

Currently, one hundred years have passed, and when the prince came into the bushes bordering the palace, which he saw was the beautiful plants that can be gone through with ease.

Plants are closing again with a meeting, when the prince has been through it. When the prince finally arrived at the palace, he saw a dog that is sleeping in the yard, as well as horses that are at home to the palace, and on the roof he saw a pigeon who is asleep with his head under his wing.

And when he entered the palace, he saw a fly on the wall of the palace was asleep, and the cook was still holding the child's hair is visible wince in sleep, as if the cook wants to beat the child.

When he went further into the back, everything was so quiet, so he could hear his breathing alone. Until finally, he arrived at the old tower and opened the door, where Sleeping Beauty is located.

Sleeping Beauty looks so beautiful, so the prince can not remove his eyes from the Princess. The Prince then knelt and kissed the Princess. That's when the Princess opened her eyes and awoke, smiled at the Prince since the thirteenth fairy's curse has been broken.

They both went out of the tower and it was also the King and Queen also has built including all the ministers who looked at each other in amazement. The horses whinnied the palace was awake and the dogs are also jumping up and barking, the pigeons on the roof removing his head from under her wings, looked around and then fly to the sky.

A fly on the wall immediately flew back, the fire re-lit kitchen, cooks who formerly held the hair of a boy and wanted to punish him, to continue his sentence by turning the child's ear, until the child is crying.

Finally the King and Queen held a wedding party for the Princess and Prince ended with happiness throughout their lives.


SUMBER : http://mythdunia.blogspot.com

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